So yesterday I started bidding on auctions on ebay to gather more trading pins for my trip to Disneyland. I just LOVE the pin trading. Not only is it fun you get to see all these interesting pins that Disney has. The only problem is it is rather pricey. SO I decided this time I would try and cut the cost a little and go on Ebay and grab some pins (for trading) @ $1 to $2 a pin so that I am not spending soooooo much money. I mean dang last time I was there I think I spent just about $300 on pins. Isn't that CRAZY? Granted the big money was spent on my favorite charcter STITCH!

Anyway I need to give a few Birthday shouts outs!! My I have some family members whose birthdays just passed & a few girlfriends who are another year older too.
So 1st off my Grandma Marlene, she just turned 72! Everyone says I have a young Grandma...so ok whatever they say. She is 40 years older then me. I will soon be the big 32 tooo!
Next I want to move onto my father inlaw Jeff!
He just turned 49! Next year he'll be the big 50! Just like his son (Steve) will be the big 30! They're 20 years apart! Woo hoo :0
The next birthday I have to mention is my So Cal friend Chandra or Wow (World of Warcraft name formally known as Neela) yea we're computer gamers so what! I like the game. Chandra is now doing nursing school so she doesn't have much time to play she is more into Wii on her off time. This picture was taken awhile with a mac. 
Last but not least but not least my other So Cal Friend who use to be Northern Calforinan friend Sabina! Its her big 
I am sure she isn't handling it well! She doesn't want to get old. I hope all is well with her anyway.
this picture was taken a few years back...about 5 years ago! hahahaha! In her wilder days! Oh Yea Sabina is the one smiling and waving her arm around :0
Have a great Friday & a wonderful weekend!!!!
Oh I also don't want to forget from the very beginning of the month my good friend Jeana had her Birthday too!