Yea its Friday again! Its the weekend time to relax a little and sleep in just a bit. Well tomorrow I am going to the gym but at least I am not waking up @ 6:45am to go do it. SO its sleeping in right?
Friends of mine and Steve have come down from Davis. Computer friends (well him & he brought his gf) we all went to dinner. It was nice. He paid this time which was kind of nice for a change. Only 1 week & we're going on a cruise to Ensenada Mexico. Its a little 4 day cruise. We're going with about 16 other people. It should be fun. I can't wait to have a 4 day weekend too! Time off work Yea! Time alone with Stevie :)
Sharks beat Vancouver on Thursday 3-1!!! It was a great home game! They play again tomorrow night but Steve and I sold our tickets to a family friend for a Christmas present for her Mom. She's become a big hockey fan in the last couple of years. So I hope the Sharks pull out a win for her too. They seem to have gotten their game together though. They're playing very well. All the elements are there for them to be the best ever this year.
Its exciting to watch.
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