Friday, June 13, 2008

Um who knew

That changing all this blog stuff took so much time and effort.

All I wanted to do was change the background because I was getting bored with my old one. Well When you go and get a background from somewhere they mark it all up with their logos. Which I get. Yeah they want credit. After all they worked hard on it. That being said since I never went to school for computers or html I just had to pick random stuff. I think I'm getting a better grasp at what you can and can't erase or it won't work. I changed some of things on my blog.
Thats why mine is purple & pink. I like to be funky and um yea!

If this came in purple it would have been ideal but you know.
Anyway. I can't figure out if I can change the graphic to purple yet. Anyway I changed some of the colors of the other things too.

But once you change the layout then I had to go back and re-enter all my add in stuff again which seems a little ridiculous. Why isn't that all just saved on to the sides and stuff. Its kind of stupid. Well since I had to go change it anyway. I added some new songs and changed my music player a little its kind of cute. It has a picture in it now.

Yea I am a dork so what.
Still working on this blog which is crazy. Its just journal of my life not suppose to be so important, right?
Oh well its almost done now.


Melanie said...

love it. the colors are very refreshing