Thursday, May 8, 2008

I am in the 240's

SO I have been @ WW's for a year now. I have lost almost 72lbs. Look up! you can see exactly where I am I update every week :)

The Sharks unfortunately lost and are out of playoffs. Its sad. I don't know what they're going to do. They played an epic game on Sunday. 4 Overtimes and lost. Its crazy, now we'll see how Dallas does against Detroit. Its the DD final.

My new job is interesting. I am going in there and stirring up some new stuff. hahahah! Its fun though. I am new and want to make a BIG impression. They're impressed though that I could learn so fast. I think they're use to people who don't really want to work and don't usually catch on very quickly.


Unknown said...

Congratulations, Mar! Keep up the awesome work!