Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Harry Potter...

So I went and see Order of the Phoenix last night or this morning which ever you prefer to say. Midnight! I loved it. Well there were parts I would have liked to have seen them do. Because you know if you read the books or listen to them on tape/cd or ipod like I did (because hello who has time to read that book) then you get all this extra stuff that they just can't really put in the movie. Well if they did you know the movie would be like 5 hours. I love going to Midnight movies. I think I have shared this before but you know why. Everyone who there WANTS to be there! They're die hard fans they want to be in the frenzy of it all. Kind of like the people who stood inline to get the iphones. I mean of course their are lucky people who have seen the movie before me. At a preview or whatever. But I love being in that excitement with the other "crazies"! Its fun to be some of the first people to see movies. I like to be in the know. Plus there are usually not very many little kids at these movies. Ugh little kids in the movies really bother me.

So if you get a chance and you like Harry Potter you got see the movie. Its nice! Its rather dark but hello Lord V is back...or um he who shall not be named!!!!

So its that time of the week again WI! Well good news. I lost. 3lbs!!!!! Yep after my disappointing showing last week with the gain of .4 I got a big loss. My leader said with all my hard work last week that maybe my body was just trying to grasp its bearings. I did have a lot of activity points (working out alot)

Ok so I'm off. I'll try to write before I leave for Disneyland but no promises!
If I don't have a fab weekend! I know I will because I will be in the Happiest place on EARTH!!!!